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What is an 'Outing'?

An outing is simply the act of taking a boat out on the water. Outings usually have specific training objectives that will be articulated to you by your coach before hand. These objectives could focus on the ‘technical’, ‘endurance’ or ‘power’ aspects of your rowing.

At Twickenham we are lucky to be located on one of the finest stretches of water in the country. Just over 5km of uninterrupted scenic river that allows us first class training.

A typical outing would involve taking your boat ‘lock to lock’, that is rowing upstream to Teddington Lock, spinning your boat, travelling down stream to Richmond Lock before spinning again and returning to Eel Pie Island or back up to Teddington Lock. Most outings last at least an hour for novice crews and 90 mins or longer for senior crews during which you will receive on the water instruction and a debrief in the clubhouse afterwards.

It is essential that you turn up on time for any planned outing, that is at least 20 mins before your 'on the water time' in order to allow time for retrieving blades, setting up your boat, filling water bottles and receiving any instructions from your coach. It is considered very poor form to turn up late without a good excuse. It is considered a 'shoot on sight' offense to not show up at all having previously committed your availability to your crew and coach.

Boats should be checked each time before they go afloat.. A thorough boat and equipment check includes the following:

  • For any signs of damage to the hull, for example scrapes or cracks.

  • Buoyancy compartments, seals, hatch covers, boat hull and ventilation bungs are secure and watertight.

  • Bow ball is in good condition and securely fixed.

  • Fixing screws or bolts do not represent a hazard in the event of an accident.

  • Heel restraints are strong secure and durable and the correct length. They must be properly adjusted (each heel shall be restrained to prevented it from rising higher than 7cm measured at right angles, from the footplate) and in working order.

  • Rudder lines, steering mechanisms and rudder (where fitted) and fin, are secure and in good working order.

  • Outriggers, swivels, gates, seats, runners and stretchers are secure and operating correctly.

  • Blades are undamaged and buttons are secure and properly set.

  • The boat is suitable for the situation in which it is to be used, for example maximum crew weight.

  • Lighting, if required, is suitable for the outing and working correctly.


Do not assume that everything is OK, check it for yourself.

Any boat or equipment that is found not to be satisfactory should be reported to the coach, captains or boatman and withdrawn from use. It is important to ensure that any damage is repaired before the boat or equipment is used again.

  • Wash boat inside and out including runners 

  • Put boat back on the correct rack 

  • Wash oars and replace in correct rack 

  • Report any damage to captaincy or boatman.


Pre Outing Checks

Post Outing

© 2025 Twickenham Rowing Club

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