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July 2015




1. Members representing the Club at regattas and head races shall wear clothing in Club colours, as approved by the Committee.


PROVIDED always that all members of a crew of two or more oarsmen in any one event shall be clothed in an identical manner.


At all other times, members rowing in Club crews shall be suitably attired.


2. Every member of the Club shall be entitled to wear the Club blazer, Club cap, Club tie and other Club colours as determined/agreed by the Committee.


3. The Club colours shall only be purchased at the Club house or at the Club outfitters appointed for the time being.


4. Any member introducing a visitor into the Club shall be responsible for his expenses and for any damage caused by him to the property of the Club.


5. The Club accepts no responsibility for the property of members, nor that of their guests, while on the Club's premises.


6. Any member who damages any property of the Club or any property held in trust by the Club shall immediately have the same repaired at his own expense and the damage made good to the satisfaction of the Committee.


7. Equipment damage


7.1. Any damage to Club boats, oars or equipment shall immediately be reported to the Captain, and any accident involving a third party, whether or not damage is caused to Club property, shall immediately be reported to the Captain and an accident form completed.


7.2. In the event of damage to any Club boat, oar or equipment the Committee shall have the power to charge any member whose default or negligence contributed to such damage with the whole or part of the expense of repairing or renewing the boat, oar or equipment so damaged.


8. In the absence of the Captain the member rowing stroke in any Club boat shall be Captain of such boat for the time being.


9. Every member, on landing from a Club boat, shall be bound to assist in housing and cleaning such boat, and in doing so shall follow the directions of the Captain or other Officer.


10. No coxswainless boat nor other craft used for racing, nor any Club launch shall be taken out of the boathouse or off the Club moorings without the permission of the Captain or his representative.


11. Each member of a crew selected by the Captain to compete at a regatta shall pay the full cost of the entrance fee, payable at the time of entry.


12. Members using sculling boats must obey the Rules for Scullers – see Appendix 1.


13. The charge for housing private sculling boats belonging to members shall be determined by the Committee. Rack fees are due on the 1st April each year, payable in advance. Allocation of sculling racks is at the discretion of the Committee. Members renting racks must obey the Rules for Scullers.


14. Other boats may only be housed, moored or left on Club property on a temporary basis and with the prior consent of the Committee who shall fix the fee thereof.


15. Prior notice must be given to the Secretary of the date it is desired to leave or remove a private boat on or from the Club's premises. The Committee will accept no responsibility or liability for any private boat under any circumstances whatsoever, and the onus of insurance lies with the owner.


16. The Club shall have a first and paramount lien and charge on every private boat kept on Club premises for all monies due from the owner to the Club, on any account whatsoever, and for the purpose of enforcing such lien the Club may sell or dispose of any such boat as they may think fit. The net proceeds of any such sale shall be applied in or towards the satisfaction of the amount due and the residue, if any, shall be paid to the owner.


17. The Club bar is reserved for the use of members and their guests only.


18. No dogs, unless under proper control, shall be admitted into the club premises.


19. No smoking is permitted in any part of the Club house.


20. No member shall remove from the Club premises any article belonging to the Club.


21. Night time rowing is only permitted with the permission of the Captain. Correct lights must be displayed in accordance with the PLA guidelines; at least two people should wear reflective clothing during dusk and evening outings and any launch must carry a 360 degree white light.


22. Insurance


22.1. The Committee will nominate one person to process insurance matters on it’s behalf. All contact by the Club with insurance brokers, assessors, and repairers will be solely through that nominee.

22.2. The Captain is responsible for promptly informing the Committee (or if requested its appointed nominee) and the Club’s Safety Adviser of any incident that might involve an insurance claim or require a report.

22.3. An “insurance incident” is one that involves any personal injury, and/or any damage to property belonging to the Club or any other party, or any collision with another party irrespective as to whether damage occurred or not.

22.4. When an “insurance incident” occurs on water, it is the responsibility of the stroke(s) of the boat(s) concerned to produce a detailed report as directed by the Captain.

This to be completed on a British Rowing Incident Report Form.


23. Towing


While the Club’s boats and trailers are insured against loss while in transit, it is the responsibility of the person towing to ensure that:


23.1. He/she and his/her vehicle are suitably insured for the purpose, and that in particular, third party liability cover is in place in respect of any damage caused by boats or trailer while being towed.


23.2. He/she is conversant with the legal and practical requirements of towing, and in particular, is aware of the load and trim limitations that apply to the vehicle/trailer combination


24. Dangerous Weather Conditions


If a red flag is displayed, no-one is allowed to go afloat, however experienced they are.

If a yellow flag is displayed, no Novice or Junior crews (including scullers) are allowed to go afloat.



25. Bar Licence


25.1. The hours for sale and consumption of intoxicating liquor on the premises shall be as follows, unless an authorised extension has been permitted:


Christmas Day 12:00 - 18:30

Good Friday 12:00 - 22:30

Sunday 12:00 - 22:30

Other Days 11:00 - 23:00


Provided that the said hours may be varied by resolution of the Committee acting in accordance with and within the limits allowed by The Licensing Act 2003 or any statute amending or replacing the said Act


25.2. The AGM shall elect a Bar Steward for the management of the Club bar and to arrange the purchase for the Club and the supply by the Club of intoxicating liquor including setting the scale of charges. In the absence of an elected Bar Steward the Committee will nominate one or more members of the Committee to take on this role.

25.3. No intoxicating liquor will be sold to anyone under the age of 18 years

25.4. No intoxicating liquor shall be supplied to members other than on the premises of the club or sold to any person who is not a member except visitors or a guest of a member.

25.5. Rowing Clubs and crews visiting the Club for the purpose of fulfilling sporting or recreational fixtures previously notified to the Committee shall together with the officials and friends accompanying them be entitled to use the facilities of the Club including the purchase of intoxicating liquor for the period of their visit

25.6. Members may introduce guests to the Club. Such guests together with all visitors shall be deemed to be subject to the Rules and Bye Laws of the Club. Bona Fide guests of members shall at all times be entertained by and at the expense of the member introducing them

25.7. Social functions for club members will be granted on the understanding that the majority of guests (two-thirds) will be club members and lists of guests are supplied in advance or recorded on the day

25.8. Club members can hire the licensed facilities of the club for significant events eg 21, 30, 40 birthdays, upon agreement of the committee and in accordance with any agreed charges levied

25.9. Licence extensions will be arranged upon agreement of the committee and in accordance with the license office rules for licensed extensions


26. Expenditure Claims


Members claiming for re-imbursement of approved expenditure must submit the claim within two month of

incurring the expenditure.




27. FireSafety


1. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on club premises or grounds

2. Fireworks must not be used anywhere on the club premises or grounds

3. Candles and/or naked flame lights or devices must not be used anywhere on the club premises or grounds

4. Personal electrical appliances, except battery powered appliances, must not be used on the club premises or grounds

5. Electrical adaptors or extension leads may only be used with the permission of a member of the Committee

6. Flammable or hazardous materials (e.g. cardboard, paper, gas cylinders, fuel, etc.) must not be stored in or around the building or adjacent to exits. Waste paper and card must be placed in the bins provided for collection and recycling.

7. In the event of a fire:

a. Anyone discovering a fire on club premises should:

i. Immediately sound the alarm

ii. Call the Fire Service (dial 999 and give the location as Twickenham Rowing Club on Eel Pie Island)

iii. Vacate the premises and seek to ensure others do the same

b. Any Committee member or coach present should:

i. Ensure that the above steps have been followed and that all personnel leave the building

ii. If the fire is minor and can be tackled without risk, use fire extinguishing equipment to deal with it

28.Coaches and Volunteers


Any volunteer, coach or member involved in frequent (once a week or more) or intensive (four days in one month or more or overnight) contact with children or vulnerable adults must:


1. complete a written application form and verify their identity prior to commencing any such activities


2. supply at least two written references which are independently verified.


3. supply a Criminal Records Bureau check prior to commencing such duties. Such CRB checks to be updated every three years and the Club to hold relevant copies


29. Membership Categories – see Appendix 2


30. Subscriptions – See Appendix 3


31. AGM Voting


Votes for officers and ordinary members of the committee will only be counted from members present at the AGM, with the exception of the position of Captain where, if there is more than one candidate, votes will be accepted by email or signed hard-copy document, to reach either the President or the Committee Chairman at least 24 hours before the time of the AGM.


32. The Role of Captain


In the event that there is no individual member willing to stand as Captain, the AGM can elect a Joint Captaincy of two members. In the event of a dispute between the joint captains, the committee will arbitrate to produce a solution.


APPENDIX 1 : Rules for Scullers – revised July 2015


Note : 1 to 7 apply to all scullers, whether using either Club or private sculling boats; 8 to 13 apply to members renting racks and/or to members wishing to rent a rack.


1. Only sculling boats belonging to the Club or individual Club members are to be housed on the Club's Premises, and normally only Club members may scull from the Clubhouse, exceptions to this being at the Captain's discretion..


2. Scullers boating from the Club must record the time and date of boating and de-boating on the boating record system, including their expected return time.


3. Scullers must have demonstrated to the Captain or his representative their sculling proficiency and knowledge of navigation rules. This will require taking and passing the Club Sculling Competency Test. No sculler must boat alone without having first completed a capsize drill.


4. If a sculler takes out a boat at a time when the Club is not open for general rowing, he/she must ensure that the premises are left securely locked, during and after the outing.


5. No sculler may boat from the Club when the Captain or his representative deems the conditions to be unsafe to do so.


6. Sculling blades must be stored in the racks allocated for that purpose. The Captain's permission must be obtained to use Club sculling blades.


7. Members entering regattas in sculling boats housed at the Club are expected to make such entries in the name of Twickenham Rowing Club, such entries to be made with the approval of the Captain, as per bye-law 11.


8. The allocation of racks for private sculling boats will be reviewed by the Committee as and when it deems necessary, but generally regard will be given to :


a. frequency of outings and intention to race at regattas

b. prompt payment of Club subscription and rack fee

c. helping the Club in other rowing and non-rowing areas, e.g. coaching, building maintenance


9. If a sculler fails to meet the Committee's reasonable requirements, the Committee can require his/her rack to be given up.


10. Private boats and oars are not covered by the Club's insurance policy and the Club accepts no responsibility for loss or damage however caused. It is a condition of storage that the owner arranges at his/her expense marine and third party liability cover to values accepted by the Club. This cover to be maintained throughout the period that the boat is stored at or used from the Club's premises.


11. If a rack is vacated, other than temporarily for boat repairs or for training elsewhere in preparation for a particular regatta or race, it will be forfeited. On no account can scullers "sublet" or lend their racks to others, except with the consent of the Committee, which will only be granted in special circumstances.


12. The waiting list for racks will be displayed on the Club notice board from time to time, and updated by the rack organiser as appropriate. Any Club member wishing to join the list can do so only by an application in writing to the Committee, to include details of boat availability and intended usage.


13. In normal circumstances, racks will be offered to those on the waiting list in strictly chronological order, although the Committee reserves the right to accommodate any sculler who, in its opinion, merits priority.


14. Any sculler can make written representation to the Committee in respect of matters concerning the allocation or recall of racks, and those representations will be given full consideration. The Committee's decision on any matter will be final.


APPENDIX 2 : Membership Categories 2015/16


Competitive Rowing – Members in Competition Groups who have priority use of, but not exclusive use of, all club equipment not otherwise assigned to other groups. Full members are entitled to coaching provided by the club wherever possible.


Recreational – Coached - Members in Non-Competition, Recreational Groups who have priority use of some boats at certain agreed times. Wherever possible these squads are entitled to coaching provided by the club. These squads require permission from the captain to race.


Recreational – Not coached – Recreational rowing members who are not in coached groups.

Subject to the captain’s permission they may use club boats. These members are not entitled to coaching provided by the club.


Competitive – Not coached – Members who are experienced scullers/rowers who are not in coached groups and who train independently for competitions. Subject to the captain’s permission they may use club boats. These members are not entitled to coaching provided by the club.


Student: As full coached rowing, but full-time students, as evidenced by a current and valid SU card.


Junior: Members under 18 years at the start of the academic year and full time student: use of club boats and facilities. Entry in regattas and head races at the discretion of the Captain. All juniors receive coaching



Non-rowing Sports: Use of the club and the land training facilities, but not of the boats.

This includes use of the gym, the ergometers and spin machines.


Cox: Members who cox squad crews. These members may use single sculling boats on a recreational, off peak basis, when these boats are available.


Coach: All coaches are encouraged, but not obliged, to take up this membership.

See Appendix 3 for conditions re rowing/racing by coaches.


Social: Use of the club, but not of boats or the land training facilities.


Country: A Social member whose normal place of residence is such as to preclude reasonable use of the Club’s facilities.


Trial/Temporary Members: Members trying out the Club’s facilities, undergoing a course of instruction and Members using the Club’s facilities on a temporary basis.

Temporary membership confers no rights and will not normally exceed 2 months.


BYE-LAWS APPENDIX 3 : Subscriptions


1. Subscriptions from Rowing and Sports members are payable either in full in the month they are due or, if paid by bankers’ standing order or pre-authorised payment instruction, the cost, plus a surcharge, may be paid in up to six monthly instalments.


2. Junior members pay termly (summer, autumn and spring), with payments being due by the start of each term.


3. Social Members who pay their subscription by annual bankers standing order will have the amount of their subscription frozen and, so long as the standing order continues to be paid, will not be required to increase the amount paid.


4. Members over the age of 60 who were granted a discount on their subscription prior to 2006 may continue to receive a discount.


5. If the payment of a member’s subscription, or an arrangement to pay, has not been received by the end of the month in which it is due then, subject to committee agreement, the member is liable to be suspended and may not row or use the club facilities.


6. Membership fees are non-refundable, although outstanding subscription instalments may be waived at the discretion of the committee on production of a medical certificate covering a period of illness or injury.


7. Students living or studying away from the area for a significant part of the year may be charged a reduced subscription.


Subscription rates from April 2015 to March 2016








STUDENT – £260


JUNIOR – summer term - £125 : autumn & spring terms £125

SOCIAL – £78




COXES – £78



· Volunteer coaches are permitted to race from time to time but must have taken up at least the Coach membership subscription.

· Coaches who receive a fee for their coaching services must take up the appropriate Rowing membership to be allowed to race and use club equipment for their own personal training.


TRIAL MEMBERSHIP for a period of two months - £100


New members joining after 1st April should contact the membership secretary regarding the subscription due –

New members are charged £10 for an entrance fob.



APPENDIX 4 : Club Room Rules


1. No boots or wet kit are permitted in the Club Room or Gymnasium.


2. No smoking on club premises.


3. Only suitably dressed members and their guests are permitted in the Club Room after Midday.


4. Juniors (Under 16) must be supervised by an adult at all times.


5. No music is permitted on the balconies.


6. Noise must be kept to a minimum.


© 2025 Twickenham Rowing Club

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