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Emily Granacher

TwRC Wins Gold at Masters Nationals

Gold for Pamela and Annette in their double in Nottingham.

A squad of 11 represented TwRC at the National Masters Championships in Nottingham on Saturday 12th June. Pamela and Annette, who started rowing on a Learn to Row course at the club in 2015, won gold in the WMasF2x. Their next challenge is Henley Masters in July! In addition to this success, the WMasC 4x- took second place with a crew that had only been rowing together for a few weeks with members from pre-covid learn to row groups.

Twickenham Women Masters Squad has a growing number of good scullers, one of which represented Twickenham in the WMasA single race and though did not win this time, a sculler to watch out for at upcoming regattas as we continue to develop our Masters Women squad.

We had good representation across age categories with a double in WMas G/H and actively encourage both experienced and developing rowers to join our Women's Masters squad!

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